Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Annual Mileage Update

Today was all about building miles if I want to meet the goals of 5,000 and 30,000 miles.  The weather forced me indoors, not because I could not ride in the snow, but doing so would have required about 2 hours that I did not have to spare today.  Had I known I was going be so close to 5,000 annual miles earlier in the season it would have been far easier to build miles on the road bike than trying to make them up on the Superfly with studded tires.

There are only 4 riding days left in 2011 and I can't miss any if I am going to achieve the goals.  Stay tuned.

Monday, December 26, 2011

People from Texas are Tough!

Sometimes you have to be tough and creative to get your new Madone from Two Wheel Transit in Spokane, WA home to Huston, TX!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It is About the Ride

It was the Mileage Goal that got me out the door this morning for a ride.  It quickly became about being on the bike as the day broke clear and crisp with long shadows and sparkling snow.  I am reminded of the saying "As soon as you roll-out on the bike, you are doing what you came for."  It's about the ride.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Monday, December 19, 2011

When 5 becomes 30

Earlier in the year I described how I rode the circumference of the earth without intending to do so.  I do not know what is magic about the number 5,000 but that has been my annual mileage goal since I began riding again in 2006.  Maybe it just sounds so much bigger than 4,000.  2008 was my best year with over 5,600 miles where 2010 was my lowest at under 4,300 miles.  My annual average is still around 5,000.

Regardless, once again this probably falls into the category of who cares, but it is a goal nonetheless.  Somewhere around September or October, I looked at my year-to-date mileage and resigned myself that there would be no way I was going to hit the goal with winter approaching and just thought I would ride as long as possible.  Through the magic of studded tires and no real winter to speak of so far I have continued riding outdoors on a daily basis.

I was putting in my mileage the other day and realized that I am not only a couple hundred miles from 5,000 for the year, but may also hit the milestone of 30,000 miles since 2006.  Over half of the 30,000 miles  have been on my 2005 Klein Reve which still has the same cassette and chain rings that came with the bike.  The remainder of the miles have been spread between two Trek Madones, the Gary Fisher Superfly and a Klein Aura that I had for a couple of years.

There are 12 days left in the year and if I do not get sick, hurt, snowed-in, run over, or too busy I might make either the 5,000 or 30,000 mile mark.  I will post an update on the 31st on how I did.  Until then,  Merry Christmas and safe riding.

Friday, December 2, 2011

P2P Grand Opening Tomorrow

For those who have not heard yet, Pedals 2 People has moved and is having a Grand Opening Tomorrow from 2-6 at 1527 E. 16th Ave. just east of Perry St.  It is a cool new location that gives them more room and flexibility than the Sprague location.   Head down and say hello and check-out the new digs.